This course includes 29 pre-recorded theory sections that cover essential concepts and key facts including ECGs, chest X-rays, and CT scans.
MRCP Part 1 Online Course
The course features 20 high-yield, pre-recorded teaching videos that cover key concepts, frequently asked topics, and essential facts from each unit.
MRCS Part B Boot Camp
The MRCS Part B Boot Camp combines self-paced learning with virtual anatomy dissections & live teaching sessions to help you succeed in your exam.
MRCP PACES Mock Exam & Mentorship
To be fully prepared for MRCP PACES, join our mentorship programme with successful PACES candidates, or take a timed mock to replicate the real exam.
MRCP PACES Video Course
The Quesmed MRCP PACES video course has Gold Standard example stations fully aligned with PACES23 to support your journey to complete the MRCP!
£159.99 / 3 Months
MRCP PACES One-to-One Tutoring
Our consultant-led tutoring program provides personalised guidance tailored to your individual needs and learning style, helping you to ace the PACES exam.
MRCS Part B OSCE Online Course
Progress to the next stage of your surgical career with our comprehensive online resource designed to guide you through the MRCS Part B OSCE exam.
MRCS Part A Exam Online Course
The online MRCS A course comprises video lectures and knowledge checks, with plenty of supporting materials, to help junior doctors undergoing the MRCS A exam.
MRCP (UK) PACES 23 Online Course
Go beyond technical knowledge with exam guidance, station breakdowns & timing tips. You’ll find helpful insights on PACES23 changes & examiner advice.
MRCS Part B Online Course
ExamCollab has everything you need to revise for the MRCS part B exam. Our revision course gives you the knowledge necessary to navigate the MRCS.