Our course on MSK injections will give you a comprehensive overview of the anatomy and techniques of joint and musculoskeletal injections for orthopaedics, GP, rheumatology, and sports medicine.
14 CPD
Paediatrics VR Training
This growing library of paediatric VR training includes medical procedures in children, paediatric trauma, and paediatric emergency assessment.Â
Surgical VR Training
This is a rapidly growing library of surgery-focussed VR experiences ranging from the setup of equipment to emergencies and real-life operative procedures.
Emergency Medicine VR Training
Our collection of virtual reality training experiences was developed with clinicians within NHS trusts, providing experience managing emergency situations
MSK Ultrasound-Guided Injections
Level up your skills with this concise level 2 course on ultrasound-guided injections for extremity joints through 50 engaging videos and bite-sized modules.