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Core Emergency Ultrasound Course | UKPASS ACADEMY

167 Union Street OL1 1TD Manchester Oldham Union Street, England, United Kingdom

This course is designed for emergency medicine trainees aiming to achieve competency in Point of Care Ultrasound (POCUS), as outlined in the Royal College of Emergency Medicine curriculum. Combining theoretical knowledge with practical training, it provides the essential skills to integrate POCUS into emergency care effectively.What You’ll Learn Why Choose This Course? Take the first...


Core Emergency Medicine Ultrasound | Bromley Emergency Courses

Bromley Emergency Courses Terracotta Court (ground floor), 167 Tower Bridge Road, London, United Kingdom

This ultrasound course by Bromley Emergency Courses teaches the skills to achieve competency in the four domains deemed necessary for higher EM speciality training by the RCEM: There is online learning available priorThe Bromley Emergency Courses Core Emergency Ultrasound Course is intended to give you a firm foundation in both the knowledge and skills required...


Ultrasound Scanning Session with DOPS Assessment (sign off)

Bromley Emergency Courses Terracotta Court (ground floor), 167 Tower Bridge Road, London, United Kingdom

Many emergency clinicians are aiming to achieve RCEM Entrustment Scale 4 in point-of-care ultrasound (PoCUS) — which means being able to perform independently without supervisor involvement. However it can be difficult to get supervised practice to consolidate skills and it can also be difficult to get someone to confirm that you have achieved an adequate...


Core EM/ Level 1 Ultrasound Course | Manchester Medical Academy

Macclesfield Masonic Hall 1 Riseley St, Macclesfield

This hands-on course is designed for Acute Physicians, Anaesthetists, Intensivists, and Emergency Physicians, equipping participants with the essential ultrasound skills now recognised as integral to medical practice at all levels.Whether you are a Resident Doctor, Advanced Clinical Practitioner, Medical Associate Professional, or Consultant in Acute or Emergency Medicine, this course caters to your needs. It...


Advanced Point-of-Care Ultrasound Course | Bromley Emergency Courses

Bromley Emergency Courses Terracotta Court (ground floor), 167 Tower Bridge Road, London, United Kingdom

The Advanced PoCUS course is intended to help clinicians in Emergency Medicine and related areas to explore applications of ultrasound beyond core applications.Our two-day programme includes a mixture of short lectures and plenty of hands-on scanning practice in the following areas:
