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Applied therapeutics for palliative medicine: A course for doctors | RSM

The Royal Society of Medicine 1 Wimpole St, London, United Kingdom

This in-person course spans 6 days, with sessions held across 6 separate days, offering a comprehensive foundation in all aspects of pharmacology and therapeutics in palliative medicine. The content is evidence-based where possible, ensuring participants become familiar with the literature relevant to clinical practice in this field.Days 1–3:These sessions will focus on the World Health...

£475 – £750

King’s CT Imaging in Polytrauma for the Emergency Physician | Infomed online

Virtual Event Virtual Event

A Comprehensive Course for Emergency Physicians This intensive two-day course offers a deep dive into CT imaging in polytrauma. Through a combination of short introductory lectures, case-based learning, and interactive discussions, participants will gain practical knowledge, learn how to effectively review cases, and identify critical findings. Key Features: Course Objectives: Don't miss this opportunity to...


Care of the Critically Ill Surgical Patient (CCrISP) | RCPSG

Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow 232-242 St Vincent St, Glasgow

Care of the Critically Ill Surgical Patient (CCrISP) is a two-day interactive course, including mandatory pre-course eLearning, designed to equip you with the practical skills and knowledge necessary for managing surgical patients, particularly those who are deteriorating or at risk of deterioration.Led by highly knowledgeable faculty from both surgical and anaesthetic specialties, the course provides...

£610 – £690

ECG Interpretation | UKPASS ACADEMY

167 Union Street OL1 1TD Manchester Oldham Union Street, England, United Kingdom

This comprehensive course is designed for junior doctors, Advanced Nurse Practitioners (ANPs), Emergency Nurse Practitioners (ENPs), and medical students looking to build confidence in interpreting and analysing ECGs effectively.What You’ll Learn Why Choose This Course? Additional Benefits From building foundational skills to improving life-saving decision-making in clinical settings, this course is a critical step for...


Musculoskeletal examination masterclass | RSM

The Royal Society of Medicine 1 Wimpole St, London, United Kingdom

Enhance your musculoskeletal examination skills in this engaging and interactive masterclass. Led by field specialists, the programme combines lectures, demonstrations, and hands-on practice to refine your clinical techniques. You’ll also explore the integration of ultrasound as a valuable adjunct to traditional musculoskeletal examinations.What You’ll Gain: This masterclass is perfect for healthcare professionals looking to sharpen...

£24 – £141

Emergency Radiology Course | UKPASS ACADEMY

167 Union Street OL1 1TD Manchester Oldham Union Street, England, United Kingdom

Enhance your diagnostic expertise with our Emergency Radiology Course, tailored for healthcare professionals seeking a concise and hands-on understanding of emergency imaging.What You’ll Learn Why Choose This Course? Join TodayEquip yourself with the skills and confidence to handle emergency radiology cases with precision.Data Interpretation Bonus: Elevate your ability to transform clinical data into actionable insights,...


Hand and shoulder pain: Understanding pathologies, diagnosis and treatment | Orthopaedic Research UK

Queen’s Hospital, Romford, Essex

This course offers a comprehensive exploration of upper limb pathologies, focusing on common trauma mechanisms and elective upper limb conditions. It provides an engaging opportunity to stay updated on current practices and guidelines related to frequently encountered upper limb injuries and pathologies, including osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.Course Objectives Equip yourself with the latest knowledge and...

£200 – £250


Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow 232-242 St Vincent St, Glasgow

The IMPACT course is a two-day programme introducing the principles and practice of acute medical care, encompassing essential knowledge, skills, understanding, and attitudes. It equips trainee doctors to assess and treat acutely unwell patients and, where appropriate, provides guidance on when to seek additional help. The course includes key point presentations, workshops, hands-on skills stations,...

£495 – £675

ECG Interpretation Course | Bromley Emergency

Bromley Emergency Courses Terracotta Court (ground floor), 167 Tower Bridge Road, London, United Kingdom
Virtual Event Virtual Event

This ECG Interpretation course is designed for those who are new to Emergency Medicine or looking to gain confidence in ECG reading. On the course, you will go through a variety of clinical cases, which will ensure you do not miss acute cardiac presentations in the future. The ECG course covers: The course is live-streamed...

£150 – £250

King’s Advanced MSK MRI Course | Infomed Online

Virtual Event Virtual Event

The King’s MSK MRI Course is a 2-day, case-based online course that aims to improve the skills of radiologists, sports medicine physicians, advanced practice physiotherapists, and orthopaedic surgeons in interpreting and reporting musculoskeletal (MSK) MRI scans. The course is delivered by experienced radiologists and clinicians, and covers a wide range of topics, including: The course...

£365 – £395

AaE: Anaesthetists non technical skills (ANTS) | RCoA

Royal College of Anaesthetists Churchill House, 35 Red Lion Square, London

This one-day course is designed for anaesthetic trainees and consultants who want to deepen their understanding of human factors and non-technical skills in anaesthesia. It is also suitable for anaesthetists in clinical or educational supervisory roles who wish to become more proficient in using ANTS for observing and providing feedback to trainees.The faculty will provide...

£210 – £350

ECG Interpretation | UKPASS ACADEMY

167 Union Street OL1 1TD Manchester Oldham Union Street, England, United Kingdom

This comprehensive course is designed for junior doctors, Advanced Nurse Practitioners (ANPs), Emergency Nurse Practitioners (ENPs), and medical students looking to build confidence in interpreting and analysing ECGs effectively.What You’ll Learn Why Choose This Course? Additional Benefits From building foundational skills to improving life-saving decision-making in clinical settings, this course is a critical step for...


Introduction To Breast Ultrasound – 16 Week Course | Blended Learning UK

Virtual Event Virtual Event

This 16-week online CPD course covers Level 1 knowledge and application of breast ultrasound, aligned with the UK Royal College of Radiologists’ curriculum for non-radiologists. It provides a theoretical foundation in the principles and practice of clinical breast ultrasound, aimed at breast clinicians seeking to incorporate supervised breast ultrasound into their clinical practice.Course StructureThe course...


Competencies in Emergency Surgery – 16 Week Course | Blended Learning UK

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Originally developed by Health Education England and the award-winning Blended Learning team for NHS doctors-in-training, this 16-week online CPD module is now open to international students. The course is designed around the UK Royal College of Surgeons Emergency Surgery Curriculum and can be completed in two 8-week parts or as a full 16-week programme. The...

£200 – £400

Types of Clinical Skills Courses and Workshops for Junior Doctors

While the days of “see one, do one, teach one” are far from over, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to find time to learn new clinical skills on-the-job, and even harder to find a senior with the time to teach you.

One solution is to book a clinical skills course or workshop, giving you an opportunity to take your study leave, spend your study budget, and get hold of some bleep-free time dedicated solely to learning.

Here are some types of clinical skills courses and workshops you can find as a junior doctor:

ECG Training Courses

ECG is a quick and accurate method of diagnosing many cardiac and non-cardiac conditions. This first-line investigation can help diagnose or exclude many life-threatening medical emergencies like STEMIs, arrhythmias, electrolyte abnormalities, and pulmonary embolisms. Hence, all doctors must have a basic understanding of ECG interpretation. ECG training courses for junior doctors will be useful for anyone who wants to brush up on ECG, especially junior doctors.

ECG courses will aid you to get a basic idea on,

  • How to take a standard 12 lead ECG
  • Role of ECG in chronic and acute coronary syndromes
  • Role of ECG in detecting tachy/ bradyarrhythmias
  • Role of ECG in detecting electrolyte abnormalities
  • Basics of Ambulatory ECG and Stress ECG
  • ECG artefacts

X-Ray Interpretation Courses

X-ray interpretation can be difficult, especially for medical students and recently qualified junior doctors, and you may wonder how your seniors pick up clues to the diagnosis with just one glance. You may have also realised that it is something you cannot survive without in clinical practice, especially in the fields of emergency medicine, medicine, and orthopaedics. This is a good chance for junior doctors, especially those involved in the above fields to improve their abilities.

Depending on the subject area, an x-ray course can teach you about:

  • Basic terminology in plain radiography
  • Chest x-ray interpretation
  • Abdominal x-ray interpretation
  • Use of x-rays in orthopaedics
  • X-rays in the emergency department
  • Limitations of plain radiography and what to do next

Emergency Radiology Courses

Imaging, in the forms of focused ultrasound, plain radiographs, and CT scans, has replaced conventional invasive diagnostic methods in the management of acute and emergency conditions.

With these non-invasive methods, doctors are able to swiftly and effectively diagnose and treat potentially life-threatening conditions. This course is suitable for anyone dealing with trauma patients, working in the emergency department, orthopaedics, or anaesthetics/intensive care.

The course content may include the following:

  • Imaging as an adjunct to the primary survey
  • Use of x-rays in emergencies
  • FAST (Focused Assessment with Sonography for Trauma) scans
  • Assessing head and spinal cord injuries
  • Radiological assessment of a multi-trauma patient
  • Non-traumatic emergency assessment

Pulmonary Function Test & Spirometry Courses

Pulmonary function tests may be considered cumbersome by some, but they are invaluable in the diagnosis of obstructive airway diseases such as asthma and COPD. This course is more useful for respiratory medicine trainees and respiratory ANPs, as it is rarely performed by non-respiratory specialists. Lung volume curves and PFTs are also one of the favourite questions in MRCP examinations, and hence, candidates may benefit from this course.

You will get comprehensive knowledge of pulmonary function tests through this course that will cover the following areas:

  • Lung volumes and physiology of respiration
  • Spirometry
  • Lung diffusion capacity testing
  • Interpretation of pulmonary function test reports
  • Diagnosis of Asthma and COPD

Human Factors Courses

We always talk about the human touch when it comes to medicine. But, just as the human touch can enhance recovery, there is also the possibility of human error. Errors more frequently occur in emergency situations and when a team effort is needed due to a lack of preparedness, lack of coordination, and lack of leadership qualities.

Although complete prevention of human errors is not plausible, we can certainly aim to keep them at a minimum by looking into what goes wrong and making amends. These courses is recommended for doctors, ANPs and PAs of any grade as regardless of seniority, we are still human.

This course concentrates on many important aspects of the human factor in medicine such as,

  • Types of errors in clinical practice
  • Human factors and their role in medical errors
  • Minimising human errors
  • Preparedness: the key to success
  • Leadership and teamwork

You may also get the chance to participate in simulated scenarios where the human factor has a major say in the outcome.