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Clinical Skills Pro
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Clinical Skills Pro is a consultant-delivered online platform to help you with your exam revision. We have helped thousands of doctors pass their membership and admission exams with our professionally filmed videos and world-class question banks.
Our editors continuously hone your course as new evidence emerges, ensuring you have access to the latest evidence-based exam preparation.
Dr Edward Banham-Hall qualified from the Royal Free and University College London Medical School in 2004, passing with several awards and prizes. He then completed medical rotations and gained entry to the Royal College of Physicians.
He later undertook a PhD at the University of Cambridge, discovering a new rare disease in the process, and publishing his findings in the world-leading journal Science.
He now works as an NHS consultant in medicine in Cambridge, UK, and as a Principle Investigator for a range of clinical trials for new and emerging treatments.
Dr Nidhi Gupta completed an honours undergraduate degree in Biochemistry at Imperial College London before studying Medicine at St. George’s University Medical School, London. Graduating in 2004, she later gained Membership of the Royal College of Physicians in London as well as a Diploma in Tropical Medicine & Health, and a Masters degree in Infectious Diseases.
She worked internationally with the Ageing and Life Course department at the World Health Organisation in Geneva, and with International SOS as Chief Medical Officer in Papua New Guinea.
She gained CCTs in Acute and General Medicine, and now works as a consultant in medicine in London.
““This is an awesome course. I wish I’d known about it before I took my PACES the first time – four of the stations that I had in that exam are covered in detail in the Clinical Skills Pro course. Plus the ‘Murmur Mountain’ is incredibly useful to get the hang of heart murmurs.”
Dr WH, PACES Course
“After failing my first attempt, I have found Clinical Skills Pro PLAB 2 Course and passed on my second attempt in October 2022. I wish I had found before. The course has very high quality content and all the consultations are so natural.“
Dr Mehmet Yasin Yuksel, PLAB 2 Course
“I am a medical doctor training in Germany. In order to prepare for MRCP, I was afraid that I would need to come to visit courses many times. I strongly believe that I am now well prepared through your lectures and your variety of cases without a requirement to go to UK again and again.“
Dr YG, MRCP Course
The Clinical Skills Pro MRCP Part 2 online course is the most comprehensive and up-to-date course available. It includes over 4000 questions and 40 practice exams.