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About EMTA

The Emergency Medicine Trainees’ Association (EMTA) exists to facilitate dialogue between Emergency Medicine (EM) trainees and the Royal College of Emergency Medicine (RCEM) to improve the quality and equity of training and working conditions.​​

EMTA was established by a group of EM trainees in 2012 to provide a focused and collective voice. Initially a relatively informal group, EMTA has grown in structure, organisation and recognition, becoming increasingly integrated into RCEM and represented on RCEM committees.

The EMTA Committee is made of EM trainees from around the country who take up positions on the RCEM Training Standards Committee (TSC), Education & Exams Committees, Quality in Emergency Care Committee (QECC), Academy of Royal Colleges Trainee Doctors Group (ATDG) and numerous Special Interest Groups (SIGs) and Working Groups. By representing the opinions and experiences of EM trainees to these committees, EMTA members play an active role in developing national policy and strategy to improve EM training. By delivering the highest standard of training, we will also improve the quality of care we deliver.

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