Dr Mucci

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About Dr Mucci

Dr Elena Mucci (Consultant Geriatrician and senior clinical lecturer at Brighton Sussex Medical School) and Dr Michael Jackson (hospital pharmacist) together have over 50 years of clinical experience working in hospitals within the United Kingdom. Both are trained lecturers and mentors, motivated to provide innovative and interactive education.

Their online resources are aimed at helping you to improve your skills in frailty management by providing relevant clinical facts structured around real-life interesting cases to cement your knowledge.

The Dr Mucci Team

Dr Elena Mucci

Dr Elena Mucci

Dr Elena Mucci holds dual accreditation in Geriatric Medicine and General Internal Medicine and is a fellow of the RCP. She is an honorary senior clinical lecturer at Brighton Sussex Medical School was won the “Patient Experience” award for the Frailty service she launched in 2015.

Dr Elena Mucci is internationally recognised, appearing on TV as a ‘common sense’ speaker on frailty and older care services.

Dr Michael Jackson

Dr Michael Jackson

Dr Jackson has an extensive background in Clinical pharmacy as a specialist in Cardiology, anticoagulation, and pulmonary hypertension. He has over 25 years of experience pushing the boundaries in pharmacist-led clinics and creating networks. His teaching portfolio is extensive as a university lecturer and speaking at international meetings.

His interest is in the psychology of medication-taking behaviours.

Online On-Demand Courses by Dr Mucci

Live Courses By Dr Mucci