The Quesmed MRCP PACES video course has Gold Standard example stations fully aligned with PACES23 to support your journey to complete the MRCP!
£159.99 / 3 Months
FRCS Case Studies (Tr & Orth)
This course has been designed for candidates preparing for the FRCS Trauma & Orthopaedics Examination. Suitable for candidates in all stages of exam preparation.
Pass PLAB-2
The Clinical Skills Pro PLAB-2 online course is one of the most comprehensive and up-to-date courses available, with over 100 practice cases.
MRCS Part A Exam Online Course
The online MRCS A course comprises video lectures and knowledge checks, with plenty of supporting materials, to help junior doctors undergoing the MRCS A exam.
Primary FRCA Online Revision Course
This course is aimed at those studying for the February 2024 sitting of the Primary FRCA MCQ examination and will cover key areas that have proved difficult for past examination candidates.
The Pastest MRCP PACES course is designed to help candidates pass the exam with confidence. Work through 125 patient cases, with 340 high-res videos.
Get Ready to Pass MRCP Part 2
The Clinical Skills Pro MRCP Part 2 online course is the most comprehensive and up-to-date course available. It includes over 4000 questions and 40 practice exams.
Spine for Orthopaedic FRCS (Tr & Orth)
On-demand course from Orthopaedic Research UK (ORUK) that covers the essential topics for the FRCS (Tr & Orth) examination in spine orthopaedics.
MRCS Part B Online Course
ExamCollab has everything you need to revise for the MRCS part B exam. Our revision course gives you the knowledge necessary to navigate the MRCS.
The London MSRA Course
The MSRA is now a fundamental assessment tool for everyone applying to speciality training. In this course, top-ranked applicants help you ace the exam first time.