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Virtual Event Virtual Event

April 2, 2025 All day

The Obstetric and Paediatric Anaesthesia for the General Anaesthetist on Call is an online course that is designed to help general anaesthetists who are on call to deal with complex challenges in obstetric and paediatric anaesthesia. The course is aimed at Consultant General Anaesthetists, particularly those with on-call responsibilities based at the DGHs, who are having to undertake obstetric and paediatric procedures.

The course covers a range of topics, including:

  • Maternal morbidity
  • Labour analgesia and anaesthesia
  • Obstetric haemorrhage
  • Paediatric and neonatal airway
  • Management of the critically ill child
  • Child analgesia
  • Paediatric retrieval

The course is delivered through a combination of interactive lectures, case-based discussions, and Q&As. The lectures are led by experienced lecturers from the UK, and the case-based discussions provide participants with the opportunity to apply their learning to real-world scenarios.

£210 – £235 Event Price

+44(0)20 4520 5081

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Registrar, SAS Doctor, Consultant, Nurse Practitioner and Physician Associate


CPD Accredited