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May 12 @ 9:00 am May 13 @ 5:30 pm BST

Bromley Emergency Courses’ MRCEM OSCE course is designed to mimic the real OSCE exam and give candidates the opportunity to apply their clinical knowledge and skills in exam-like scenarios. The objective is to give you the practice that you will need to prepare for the real exam so that you can feel confident in your skills and your ability to pass the exam.
The course consists of around 40 different OSCE stations. Each station has 1 minute reading time and 8 minutes to complete the station. You will sit in all 40 stations, sometimes taking the lead, other times watching and learning from others who take the lead.

You may encounter scenarios such as:

  • Managing a trauma team
  • Resuscitating a sick child
  • Taking a difficult history
  • Teaching a procedure
  • Dealing with an angry relative
  • and so many more

The course relies heavily on experienced actors and equipment to simulate real-life problems.