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November 18 @ 8:30 am 4:00 pm BST

This 1-day intensive course is aimed at complete novices in critical care echo and ultrasound or those wanting to refresh their knowledge. We will cover the basics of heart ultrasound using a focussed transoesophageal echocardiography dataset and how to apply your findings clinically.

Approved for fTOE accreditation (Intensive Care Society and Association of Anaesthesia) and 5 CPD points (RCOA)

Topics covered:

🫀 Introduction to fTOE syllabus and Knobology

🫀 Sonoanatomy and basic echo views – LIVE demo

🫀 Common pathologies, interesting cases

🫀 3 hours of scanning workshops using Bodyworks ‘Eve’

🫀 fTOE accreditation – all you need to know!

Taught by expert faculty:

Dr Gary Lau

Consultant in Cardiothoracic Anaesthesia and Intensive Care

BSE accredited FUSIC and FAMUS supervisor, BSE TOE accreditation assessor

Hannah Conway

National FUSIC® Heart Lead

BSE accredited FUSIC and FAMUS supervisor, BSE Level 1 Examiner, fTOE and HD Examiner, Member of FUSIC Committee

…plus expert guest faculty!

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Knighton Rd
Knighton, Leicester LE2 3UF United Kingdom
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Anaesthetics, Emergency Medicine, General Practice and All Medical Specialties


Medical Student, Foundation Doctor, SHO, Registrar, SAS Doctor, Nurse Practitioner and Physician Associate


CPD Accredited