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Virtual Event Virtual Event

November 5 @ 9:30 am 12:45 pm GMT


This three-hour interactive course examines good practices in managing complaints and explores some of the specific challenges involved in dealing with face-to-face complaints, the investigation of complaints and responding to complaints effectively in writing and verbally. Practical tips and effective strategies will be considered throughout with delegates fully participating in the session via breakout discussions and case examples on key aspects.

Topics include:

  • Why patients complain
  • Understanding the attitude–behaviour cycle
  • Effective communication skills
  • Planning for a face-to-face meeting
  • Negative and positive approaches to face-to-face encounters
  • The effective use of question types
  • Meeting expectations and concluding face-to-face encounters
  • Personal safety

The course also explores how complaints lead can best investigate complaints and provide an effective response, reducing risk and improving the quality of your interactions and written communication with complainants. Specifically arising from the outcomes of the Paterson Inquiry, it also explores how complainants in both the NHS and independent sectors have unresolved complaints directed appropriately to timeous independent scrutiny and resolution.

The course includes pre-learning reading which sets out the statutory complaints frameworks and regulations for the constituent countries of the United Kingdom, as well as important regulatory and professional requirements expected of doctors / and dentists. This material should be read before attending the course, as these topics will not be specifically examined during the workshop.

This course has been accredited by the Federation of the Royal Colleges of Physicians of the UK for 3 CPD credits.

£70 – £105 Event Price

0333 043 4444

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Anaesthetics, Emergency Medicine, All Medical Specialties, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Pathology, Psychiatry, Radiology and All Surgical Specialties


Medical Student, Foundation Doctor, SHO, Registrar, SAS Doctor, Consultant, Nurse Practitioner and Physician Associate


CPD Accredited